Jumat, 08 November 2013

Nose Sensor INVENTION!!!

The Invention

        Researchers at the University of Tokyo are using frog eggs to enhance what might seem like an unlikely element of robotics: olfactory sensing. By injecting the eggs with the DNA from various insects known for expressing keen senses of smell, the team was able to create a robotic nose that can detect molecules at levels as low as a few parts per billion.
          The eggs were then fitted between two electrodes, creating a sensor system that measured the current generated when certain molecules came in contact with the detector. Using a robotic mannequin that shakes its head to indicate a positive, the researchers demonstrated the sensors ability to detect moth pheromones with a high-degree of accuracy as well as to differentiate between very similar molecules.
         By contrast, the usual quartz rod sensors that vibrate when certain molecules come in contact with them are known for giving false positives and for being unable to differentiate between molecules of similar weight. Such a high-sensitivity detector could find uses in a range of technologies, from bomb-detectors to biomarker sensors.


How does it work?

The electronic nose was developed in order to mimic human olfaction whose functions are non separate mechanism , i.e. the smell or flavor is perceived as a global finger print. Essentially the instrument consists of sensor array, pattern reorganization modules, and headspace sampling, to generate signal pattern that are used for characterizing smells. The electronic nose consists of three major parts which are detecting system, computing system, sample delivery system.

The sample delivery system: The sample delivery system enables the generation of headspace of sample or volatile compounds which is a fraction analyzed. The system then sends this head space into the detection system of the electronic nose.

The detection system: The detection system which consists of a group of sensors is the reactive part of the instrument. When in contact with volatile compounds at that time the sensors reacts causing changes in electrical characteristics.

The Computing system: In most electronic noses each sensor is sensitive to all molecules in their specific way. However in bioelectric noses the receptor proteins which respond to specific smell molecules are used. Most of electronic noses use sensor arrays that react to volatile compounds. Whenever the sensors sense any smell , a specific response is recorded that signal is transmitted into the digital value.

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